the podcast where we talk about the weird and wonderful things animals say when they open up to pet psychics

wonder what your pet is thinking?
About the podcast
Have you ever wondered what your furry best friend would tell you if she could? Why is your dog afraid of men with beards? Does your cat want you to adopt a second kitty? Why does your rabbit seem so blue? Those of us who love animals want to know what they're thinking so we can be better pet parents - and that's where pet psychics come in.
I'd heard about animal communicators, a.k.a. pet psychics, for some time, and thought the idea was kind of silly. But when my beloved horse Whisky wasn't quite right, and the answers weren't coming (though the vets were trying), I decided to give it a go. Some of the info I received blew me away. It wasn't information just anyone could guess, or even research online. Over the years, I've spoken with so many people who have had similar experiences. That's the inspiration for this podcast.
In each episode, we'll talk to pet owners and pet psychics to learn the amazing things animals say when someone really knows how to listen. Whether it's a horse who wants to change her name, a lost cat telling a pet psychic where its owner can find him, or an animal whose illness has stumped veterinarians but is revealed through a session with an animal communicator, learning what animals have to say is always an eye-opening adventure.
We hope you'll join us on this journey of exploration inside the minds of our animal friends. Who knows you might even get some insight into what your pet wants you to know!

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Meet the Team
we'd love to hear from you!

Please tell us what your pets have told you or what they've told pet psychics. We're always looking for interesting stories!